Friday, September 27, 2019

Settembre a Roma

> We are officially settled in (that happens once you've made that one big trip to IKEA).
> Boys are now in week two of school and enjoying it. Every morning they join classmates at a table and wait for their teachers to collect them. Just this morning, Rafa sat down a few seats distant from the boys and girls. Well, one girl got up grabbed her bag, walked all the way around the table and sat next to Rafa. Then, the second one grabbed her bag. Then the third. Rafa opened his fun books and they all gathered around him to spot differences between two pages of a scene. ☺️
> Sisto seems to have a few girls in his class and a year below him playing and crushing on him. One jumped up and hugged him yesterday in front of his entire drama class. "I was embarrassed."
> Eric and I are taking the free time we have to just walk. We have what I call "Disney Days" - it equates to over 20,000 steps in a day. The Prices can relate 😄
> We've gotten to know our neighborhood; we know the best butchers, bakers and pastry shops. We've wondered in to the historic center and scored a "resident pass" to a dozen different museums for €5 so we've got lots more on our list of things to see now.
> Tina sent the boys a package-€80 later and an hour at the post office it arrived! Needless to say our experiment failed and all things sent to Rome should fit in a small mailbox or be sent from 😬
> The boys got their futball "kits" today. I'll post the video of Rafa ripping in to his. We thought it was just a Jersey but it ended up being about 10 different clothing items plus a giant bag. Swimming and soccer are after school activities as well as drama and music class through school.

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